Launch Location: George English Park. There is a sandy beach launch area in the corner of the park next to the Sunrise bridge that is prefect for launching kayaks. This park also has boat ramps. If you don’t have a trailer and don’t mind a more rocky launch area you can park and launch over by the tennis courts and park for free there.
George English Park Beach Launching Area
Parking: Parking at this location is pay by the hour and the machine takes cash, plastic or pay by phone. You can also park over at the tennis courts for free and either walk over to this location or launch from the tennis courts location.
Description: This was a rather windy day so we wanted to stay in the sheltered areas of the waterways. We paddled south through Victory Park, crossed New River and continued south as far as we could staying on the sheltered waterways. Finally we were forced to paddle the much more open waters at the mouth of New River. Once we got out into the more open waters we were hit by strong winds and as a result the water became very rough. We decided to turn back at this point, headed west on New River and reentered the more sheltered waterways and paddled back to the launch area.
Kayak Rentals Availability: Rentals are not provided at this location.
Amenities: There are public restrooms over at the tennis courts. A hose spigot is provided and there is a 7/11 across the street along with a shopping mall.
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