Launch Location: Morningstar Park using the boat ramp.
Morningstar Park
Description: This is a quiet launch area that gives you a straight shot to the Morningstar Park Picnic Island and Biscayne Bay.
We have kayaked out heading south in the past so this time we headed north. After stopping by a few of the islands we came upon a waterway that headed west. It was nice to find smooth water after having been bounced around in the choppy waters of the bay. Lots of lizard and birds to be found here in people’s backyards. This waterway is U shaped and at the end of the U heads west. Today we just paddled the U shape part of it but are looking forward to exploring the part that heads west on another day. Was a bit amazed that there were million dollar homes next to abanded homes and a sinking houseboat. Christy got a bit of video of a bird catching a crab and eating it.
After following the waterway back out to the bay we headed a bit more north under the 79th street bridge where homeless people seemed to be living under the bridge, but no one was spotted at this time.
We turned around after going under the 79th street bridge and started heading back to where we lunched from. We did find one island that had an amazing collection of birds on the way back that was just a bit south of the 79th street bridge on the east side of the channel.
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Kayak Rentals Availability: Rentals are not available at this location.
Amenities: Public restrooms, BBQ grills, picnic tables, baseball/softball Field, basketball court, tennis, pool and playground.
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